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Anshe Sfard Kehillat Torah (ASKT)


Welcome to Our Wonderful Warm Milwaukee area, Wisconsin Orthodox Synagogue.

Anshe Sfard Kehillat Torah (ASKT) is an Orthodox synagogue, located within an eruv, in the North Shore Milwaukee suburb of Glendale, Wisconsin.

Our shul was founded in 1986 by 17 families and has since grown to 100 families; many are Shabbat observers who live in close proximity to the shul. We have a daily minyan for Shacharit. Mincha/Maariv meets during all seasons in the evening. Classes, for both men and women, are taught by our rabbi as well as visiting rabbis and community members. We also have well-attended, regular scholar-in-residence programs and many social activities and learning programs, including a women’s monthly Tehillim group. In our participatory shul, members are actively involved in services through leading davening and reading the Torah, and are innovative in creating programming and organizing holiday events. As a Zionistic shul, we incorporate prayers for the IDF and the State of Israel into our davening, and we participate in community-wide Yom Yerushalayim and Yom Ha'atzmaut celebrations.

One of the most impressive things about ASKT is our palpable sense of community. Besides celebrating Shabbat, holidays and Jewish lifecycles together, we are always here for one another. Whether it is a prayer for good health, help finding a new job, babysitting information or milk from the grocery store, the culture in our community is to help without hesitation.

Week Day and Shabbat Davening at ASKT

Click Here to Sign Up for Davening - Week Day and Shabbat Davening (Friday Night or Shabbat Day Mincha) (Scroll to the right of the Week Day Davening Google Sheet to get to Shabbat)

Today's Calendar

: 6:45am
Weekday Mincha/Maariv
: 6:45pm

This week's Torah portion is Parshat Pekudei

Candle Lighting

Friday, Mar 28, 6:54pm


Motzei Shabbat, Mar 29, 7:56pm
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Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785