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ASKT Cholent Madness

Every year ASKT members participate in our annual Cholent Madness - a winter tradition!  Members make their best Cholents with their most original names and aim for Cholent glory and a chance at the Cholent Cup.  Two cholents face off each week and members get to vote at kiddush for the best cholent.  The winner moves on to the next round.  See below for previous names and flyers from previous years.

Joel Eckhardt gives a kiss to the cholent cup after his big victory in 2010!!

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel features article   "Glendale congregation celebrates all things cholent"

ASKT's Cholent Cup

  Winners Names Listed on Cup: 2024

Winners Names Listed On Cup: 2016-2023

Winners Names Listed On Cup: 2010-2015

5785 / 2024-2025 - TBD

5784 / 2023-2024 - Joel Eckhardt


5783 / 2022-2023 - Simcha Singer

5782 / 2021-2022 - Due to closures for COVID pandemic there was no Cholent Competition

5781 / 2020 - Due to closures for COVID pandemic there was no Cholent Competition

5780 / 2019 - 2020 - Due to closures for COVID pandemic "All Natural FlatCholent" won

5779 / 2019 - Simcha Karan (Dial C for Cholent!)

5778 / 2018 competition - Inna Pullin






5777 / 2017 - Simcha Singer






5776 / 2016 - Benji Posner / Avi Pullin



5775 / 2015 Winner:  Dovi Karan


5774 / 2014 Winner: Inna Pullin










5773 / 2013 Winner - Akiva Karan




5772 / 2012 Winner - Michael Tepper








5771 / 2011 Winner - Ouri Marciano








2010 / 5770 - Winner - Joel Eckhardt

Sat, March 15 2025 15 Adar 5785