Photo Albums
Glendale & nearby
Photos of ASKT neighborhood & Metro Milwaukee
(40 photos)
Gan Nachshon - Playground at ASKT
(8 photos)
2024-07 Brewer's Game
(27 photos)
2024-06 Yom Yerushalayim Concert & Annual Event
Featuring Ilan Echkardt
(51 photos)
2024-05 Yom Ha'atzmaut
Celebration of Israel: A CBINT and ASKT collaborative program
(11 photos)
2024-03 Purim Seudah
(44 photos)
2024-03 ASKT South - Luncheon in Boynton Beach, Florida
hosted by Peggi and Bruce Glaser
(8 photos)
2024-02 Parent Child Learning
Motzi Shabbos Feb 24
(8 photos)
2023-12 Chanukah Party
Celebrating Jewish Heroes of Yesterday and Today
(41 photos)
2023-11 Israel Rabbinical Mission
Sponsored by RCA/RIETS and Mizrachi. Lead by Rabbi Kalmar
(100 photos)
2023-11 March for Israel (Washington DC)
Americans March for Israel, March to Free Hostages, March Against Antisemitism
(18 photos)
2023-10 Chesed Fair
Doing Good Deeds as a Response to Hate
(102 photos)
2023-09 & 10 Succot
ASKT Succah: assemblng, decorating and using
(74 photos)
2023-09 Super Shofar!
Getting ready for Rosh HaShana for young families
(12 photos)
2023-09 Picnic
Moved from Kletsch Park to ASKT shul because of high heat
(51 photos)
2023-08 Men's Retreat
(74 photos)
2023-06 Brewers Baseball Game & Tailgate Lunch
(20 photos)
2023-05 & 06 Baseball
ASKT He-Brewers
(29 photos)
2023-04 Yom Haaztmaaut
Community Celebration and Concert by Ruby Harris & Band
(61 photos)
2023-04... Semichas Chaver Program
Learning and understanding he ethical & philosophical background of the most common halachos that arise daily
(5 photos)
Mon, February 3 2025 5 Shevat 5785